Ensure a seamless and personalized experience by reserving your spot at Dog House Wines. Elevate your dining experience with our exceptional wine that embodies the essence of Dog House craftsmanship.
Experience the elegance of our Riesling with its notes of crisp green apple and a hint of vanilla, a perfect balance for any occasion. Crafted with precision, this Chardonnay is a testament to our dedication to quality.
French Bulldog Bourdeaux
$40.00 / 750ml
Big Bulldog Merlot
$40.00 / 750ml
Pink Poodle Rosé
$40.00 / 750ml
Collie Cabernet Sauvignon
$40.00 / 750ml
Full Mastiff Blend
$40.00 / 750ml
Chow Chow Chenin Blanc
$40.00 / 750ml
Rottweiler Riesling
$40.00 / 750ml
Spaniel Sauvignon Blanc
$40.00 / 750ml